Know When to Keep or Sell Your Mineral Interests

Over the years our clients have discovered that asking “How do I know when to KEEP my minerals?” is a better question with better answers. Our custom fit analysis tailored to your ownership, asset type, tax bracket, and goals places the spotlight on the real factors that equate to real money in your pocket so you can know when to monetize, or when to keep your minerals.

A retirement fund beneath your feet

Blue Flame makes it easy to monetize your minerals and realize your retirement dreams.

Lower, defer or even eliminate your tax bill

There are federal programs that allow you to eliminate, lower or defer your taxes in the event of a mineral interest sale. Due to these tax benefits, the revenue from a sale can be worth much more than the same amount of royalty revenue received over a period of years.

Experience financial freedom

Many mineral owners have experienced financial freedom by using their lump sum payment to pay off debt, pay for schooling, leave their heirs a cash inheritance or reduce uncertainty.

A Message from our President

We consider it a privilege to advise and work with mineral owners to maximize the value of their assets. We commit to be transparent and deal honestly and fairly with you at all times. If you will allow us the opportunity to work with you, I believe you will be impressed with our team and see the value in our process.

Sincerely, Glen Johnson

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“Our Family Partnership is in the highest tax bracket and we were looking for a strategic way to grow our wealth. Blue Flame helped us understand the value of a 1031 exchange and facilitated a seamless transaction allowing us to reinvest $2.4M tax deferred.”

DCJM Family Partnership

“I had over $20,000 in suspended funds that were owed to me by the operator. Blue Flame worked hard to get the funds released and found an investor to purchase my interest on my terms.”

B. Ertle

“Last year, my family and I were involved with an elderly parent in long-term care. The situation became more complex because of family-owned mineral royalties. Blue Flame Minerals became the single source of information that helped our family make an informed decision concerning the sale of mineral royalties. Their expertise helped with an informed decision and expedited the process to meet required timelines.“

Curtis Eubanks